Applying for Extension
You may be able to get an extension of time to file your return. There are three types of situations where you may qualify for an extension:
- Automatic extensions,
- You are outside the United States, or
- You are serving in a combat zone.
Automatic Extension: If you can’t file your 2016 return by the due date, you may be able to get an automatic 6-month extension of time to file. Use Form 4868 to apply for extension either electronically or by filing a paper form. You must request the automatic extension by the due date for your return. You can file your return any time before the 6-month extension period ends.
Individuals outside the United States: You are allowed an automatic 2-month extension, without filing Form 4868 (until June 15, 2017, if you use the calendar year), to file your 2016 return and pay any federal income tax due if:
- You are a U.S. citizen or resident, and
- On the due date of your return:
a.You are living outside the United States and Puerto Rico, and your main place of business or post of duty is outside the United States and Puerto Rico, or
b.You are in military or naval service on duty outside the United States and Puerto Rico.
Individuals Serving in Combat Zone: The deadline for filing your tax return, paying any tax you may owe, and filing a claim for re-fund is automatically extended if you serve in a combat zone. This applies to members of the Armed Forces, as well as merchant marines serving aboard vessels under the operational control of the Department of Defense, Red Cross personnel, accredited correspondents, and civilians under the direction of the Armed Forces in support of the Armed Forces.